
Pathways to Behavioral Health Careers is an interagency project between the Tennessee Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services, the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, and the University of Memphis.

Pathways to Behavioral Health Careers

The purpose of this project is to provide high school students the information needed to explore behavioral health career paths by engaging in understanding the characteristics of a behavioral health professional, the daily duties, and the educational requirements to proceed down this path.

In addition, this project seeks to increase the level of interest in the field by allowing the students to explore the vast possibilities within it as well as the impact that behavioral health has on our society. In conducting these activities through multiple delivery methods, we hope to increase the number of behavioral health professionals in our state to help build a healthier, happier Tennessee!

Find Your Pathway

Begin your journey by mapping your personalized career pathway based on what matters to you.


View videos of students, educators, and professionals about their experiences and journey.

Train to become a Presenter

Gain access to presentation materials as a certified Pathways Presenter.

10am – 12pm eastern

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